LIU Kang, professor, Dean of the Department of Environmental Sciences, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University
Telephone: +86(29)88308417
E-mail: liuk63@126.com
1984 B.S., Physical Geography,Northwest University, China
1999 M.S. Soil Geography, Northwest agriculture university,China
2006-Present, Professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, China
1998-2006, Associate Professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, China
1984-1998,Associate Researcher, Institute of Northwestern Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shaanxi
• EIA Engineer
• Director, Institute of Conservation of Nature
• Member of committee, Shaanxi Geographical Society
• Member of committee, Shaanxi Biological Society
• Regional ecological assessment and planning
• Ecological restorstion
• Pollution ecology
• Ecology
• Regional ecological assessment and planning
• Human ecology
• Urban ecology and ecological city construction
• Refereed Journal Papers
1. PANG Sha , LIU Kang , JI W en - hui ,Effects of Land - used Change on Ecosystem Service Valuein Yan ' an City。 Ground water ,2011,33 (1)
2.Pang Sha ,Liu kang ,Ji wenhui ,Ecological vulnerability evaluation of Yan ' an city, Journalof Arid Land Resourcesand Environment ,2011,25(5)
3.Wu lei , Liu kang ,Assessment of Ecological Vulnerability in Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi, Ground water ,2011,33(4)
4.Pang sha, Liu kang ,Study ontheoptimization oflanduse patterninthesuburb of Yan ' an city based on GIS , Agricultural Researchinthe Arid Areas ,2011,29(5)
5.Yang xiaohui, Wang Jun, Liu kang, Zhang xianglong ,Quantative analysis on farmer ' s resilience toward drought, a case study of Yuzhong County, Gansu Province , Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment ,2010,24(4)
6.Liu yan ,Liu kang ,Ecologicalquality assessment of Loess Plateauin northern Shaanxi ,Journalof Arid Land Resourcesand Environment ,2010,24(6)
7.Zhu xiao-qin , Liu kang , Li jian-guo , Zhu jin-jiang ,Analysis on Vegetation-Environment Gradient Correlation in Qinling Mountain Based on GIS , Research of Soil and Water Conservation ,2009, 16(2)
8.Liu yan, Liu kang ,Correlation Analysis of Sensitivity of Soil Erosion and Patten of Soil Type: A Case of the Loess Plateauin Northern Shaan xi Province , Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation ,2009,29(5)
9.Lian junying, Liu kang, Wang jun, Liang yi, Zhang jing, Li xixiang ,
Quantification of Benefits from Storm runoff Reduction by Urban - A Case Study of the Second Ring Road of Xian City, Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation ,2008 28(6)
10.Zhao xiaoyan, Liu kang ,Urban landscape pattern of Xian City based on GIS, ,Chinese Journal of Ecology 2007, 26 (5):706- 711
11.Lian yi,Liu kang,Wang lei,Zhou hui,Lian junying. Research on Vegetation Changes in Drainage Area Based on Integration of Stream Network and NDVI –a case study in Xunhe Watershed.Bulletin ofSoiland Water Conservation ,2007 27(5)
12.Qin yaomin,Liu kang,Wang yongjun, Ecological functions of Greenland system in Xi ’ an. Chinese Journal of Ecology 2006, 25 (2):135 ~ 139
13.Xu yanling , Liu kang , Qin yaomin , Li huien ,Jiang ling ,Land - Use / Cover Change and Analysis from 1982 to 2002 in Qin Ling Area,Journal of Soil and Water Conservation ,2006,20(2)
14.Zhou zhenfeng,Liukang,Sunyinglan,Characteristics of Elementsin PM2.5and Sources Analysis of PM2.5 in Rural Area of Southern Jiangsu Province Research of Environmental Sciences,2006,19(3)
15.Zhu xiaoqin , Liu kang , Qin yaomin, GIS - Based Study of Vegetation - Environment Gradient Relationship in Qinling Mountain ,Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2006,20(5)
16.Yang fan , Liu kang , Wang xiao-ke , Guo ran ,Study on Community Variance of Pinus Sylvestris Var. Mongolica Forestson Sand Land at Hong Huaerji ,Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment ,2005,19(4)
17.Kang yan ,Liu kang ,Li tuansheng , Yang fan ,The economic evaluation of forest ecosystem service in Shaanxi Province ,Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) ,2005,35(3)
18.Liu kang , Wang xiaoke ,Yang fan ,Guo ran , Wu qingbiao ,Piuns sylvestris community on Honghuaerji sandy land and its relationship with environmental factors. Chinese Journal of Ecology 2005, 24 (8):858~ 862
19.Liu kang,Kang yan,Cao mingming,Tang guoan,Sun gennian, GIS-based assessment on sensitivity to soil and water loss in Shaanxi Province. JournalofSoiland Water Conservation ,2004,18(5)
20.Liu kang ,Ouyang zhiyun , Wang xiaoke , Xu weihua , Miao hong ,Eco – environmental sensitivity and its spatial distribution in Gansu
Province ,ACT A ECOLOGICA SINICA ,2003,23(12)
21.Zhou zhenfeng,Liu kang,Wang xiaorong,Huang shihong.Characteristics of PM2.5 in rural areas of southern Jiangsu Province,China. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2005,17(6) ,(EI,SCI)
• Books
1. Chief editor, Ecological Planning—Theory, Methods and Application,2011,
2. Vice chief editor, Environmental Ecology,2010
3. Editor, Natural Reserves in China
4. Editor, Comprehensive Expedition to the Foping Natural Reserve, Shaanxi,2001
5. Editor, Records of Shaanxi Vegetation 2011
6. Vice chief editor, Eco-environment protect in Shaanxi 2006
7. Chief editor, Theory and Application of Ecological Assessment,2004
1. Research of feasibility and Ecological and social benefits of the establishing of shelterbelts around Xi’an City. Program of Department of transportation, Shaanxi Province
2. Construction of green highway network of Shaanxi Province. Program of Department of Transportation, Shaanxi Province
3. Theory and method of provincial ecological function regionalization. Program of Key lab of ecology of CAS
4. Ecological function regionalization of Gansu Province.
5. Program of NEPA and Environmental Protection Agency of Gansu Province
6. Ecological function regionalization of Shaanxi Province. Program of Environmental Protection Agency of Shaanxi Province.
7. Development planning and major function oriented zoning of land in Shaanxi Province. Key program of Shaanxi Province
8. Comparative study of atmospheric particles in urban and rural areas in South Jiangsu Province. Program for advanced visiting scholars in Western China supported by MOE
9. Study of driving forces to form the spatial pattern of scotch pine in sandy land. Program supported by national natural science foundation. (40071036)
10. Assessment of ecological service value of vegetation in Western areas. Program supported by national natural science foundation. (40271052)
11. Carbon recycles and it’s driving mechanism of land ecological system in China. National key basic research program (973) (2002CB412500)
12. Thoughts and countermeasures of ecological construction and environmental protection in Shaanxi Province during the twelfths five plan.
13. The methods of teaching and testing of human ecology as common cognition lesson.
14. Terrestrial ecological impact assessment of development of hydropower of Niyang River in Xizang Province
15. Environmental impact assessment of construction of national arboretum in Qinling
16. Construction planning of Xunyang ecological demonstration zone.
17. Project design of Qianyang national ecological demonstration zone
18. Delimitation of water supply source protection zone for urban and rural areas in Heihe
19. Ecological impact assessment of pumped storage hydropower station in Zhen’an