WANG Xiaowen, associate professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University
Email: wxw8633@163.com
Tel: 029-88308417(0)
Educational background
MS Department of Environmental Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, China, 1998
BS Department of Environmental Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an, China, 1978~1982
Professional experiences
2004-Present: Associate professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, China.
2004-2005: Visiting Scholar, Tsinghua University.
1993~2004: Associate professor, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, China.
1982~1993: Urban and Rural Planning and Design and Design of Shaanxi Province SELECTED RESEARCH GRANTS
1. Study of Characteristics of UF Membranes for UF Treating Black Liquid from Basic Straw Pulp(92KO-G8 ). Funding from Science and Technology Commission of Shaanxi Province
2. Integrated control technology of water pollution for Weihe River.Ninety-five national key research project sub-topics(96-912-05-03-03)
3. Protection technology disinfection sub-topics about safe drinking water in northern areas—the study on the generation characteristics of the basic organic disinfection by-product (2002AA601140). Visiting scholar research topics in Tsinghua University
4. Coordinated development planning sub-topics of urban system in Southern Shaanxi—eco-environmental planning, as studies on environmental function zoning, planning environmental impact assessment. Key research projects of Shaanxi Provincial Department Construction in 2007
5. Study on the "Growing" environmental planning methods of the small-medium cities in the northwest region. Funding from National Science Foundation of China (50678147).
6. Study on the "Growing" ecological planning methods of the small-medium cities in the east of northwest region. Open research foundation of the western building technology key laboratories
7. Action plan to fulfill the Stockholm Convention of Shaanxi Province. Key research projects of Shaanxi Provincial Department Construction in 2010
Refereed Journal Papers
[1] Wang Xiaowen,Wang Boduo(1999). Study of Characteristics of UF Membranes for UF Treating Black Liquid from Basic Straw Pulp. Journal of Xi’an Mining Institute,19(1):5-8.
[2] Wang Xiaowen, Zhang Xiaojian, Chen Chao, Hao Xiaofei(2006). DBPs Formation Characteristics in Chlorinating and Relationship with Chemical Structure of Some Aromatic Organic Matter. Environmental Science,27(8):1603-1607.
[3] Deng Jinfeng,Huang Zhanbin,Wang Xiaowen(2007). Integration of eco-industrial park information based on WEB. Journal of Liaoning Technical University,26(1):143-146.
[4] Zhang Wenjing, Wang Xiaowen, Wang Bing, Ma Junjie and Wang Boduo(2006). Impacts of Heishanxia Hydroelectric Development Along Yellow River to Regional Landscape Patterns. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation,20(5):162-165.
[5] Yang Nan, Wang Xiaowen, Zhuo Yue(2008). Evaluation and Countermeasures of Eco-environmental Status in South Shaanxi Province. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,28(2):190-194.
[6] Xu Jiefeng, Wang Xiaowen, Zhuo Yue, Yang Nan and Lai Xuehui(2008). Eco-environmental Problems and Their Potential Influences of Southern Shaanxi Province. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,28(6):166-171.
[7] Zhuo Yue, Wang Xiaowen, Yang Nan(2009). Dynamic Change of Land Use and Ecological Carrying Capacity in Southern Shaanxi Province. Journal of Anhui Agri.,37(3):1266-1270.
[8] Lai Xuehui, Wang Xiaowen, Xu Jiefeng(2009). Eco- environmental Problems and Countermeasures in Development of Small and Medium- sized Cities in Eastern Part of Northwest China .Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,29(5):206-211.
[9] Lai Xuehui, Wang Xiaowen, Xu Jiefeng, Zhou Yuanli(2010). Evaluation of Water Environment Carrying Capacity in Southern Shaanxi Province Based on Vector Norm Method. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation,30(2):56-59.
[10] Xu Jiefeng, Wang Xiaowen, Wang Leli, Wang Boduo and Lin Jiquan(2011). Assessment of Natural Rubber Plantation Life Cycle in China.Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture,Jan,19(1):172-180.
[11] Wang Xiaowen, Wang Boduo, Hou Runmao(1998). Treatment Technologies of Wastewater from Can-Making Production Line.Technology of Water Treatment, 24(1):54-59.
[12] Wang Xiaowen, Wang Boduo, Hou Runmao(1998). The Treatment of Wastewater from Can Manufacture by Scrap lron/ Carbon Electrochemical Reaction-Coagulation and Precipitation Process. Environmental Protection of Chemical Industry, 18:220-223.
[13] Wang Xiaowen, Wang Boduo, Hou Runmao(1998). Treating Wastewater of Cans Production by Physicochemical Method. Environmental engineering, 16(4):14-17.
[14] Zhang Xiaoyan, Wang Xiaowen(2002). Experimental study and regressive analysis on ultrasonic dispersal property. Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection,28(2):8-13.
[15] Wang Boduo, Wang Xiaowen, Ma Junjie(2005).The Public Elective Course on “Overview of Clean Production” and Comprehensive Quality Training on College Students. Higher Education of Sciences,5:91-94.
[16] Xu Jiefeng, Wang Xiaowen, Lin Jiquan(2009). Research Progress and Application in LCA. Future and Development,10 : 31-35.
[17] Hong Lei, Wang Xiaowen, Ji Yanmei, Liang Baocui(2011). Research Advances and Applications of Waste Incineration-power Generation, Environmental Sanitation Engineering, 19(3) : 55-57
[18] Xu jiefeng, Wang Min, Wang Xiaowen, Jiang Lirong(2009). Sustainable Dovelopment Capacity of Cities in Shaanxi Province Based on Hierarchical Grey Relational Analysis, Sichuan Environment, 28(4) : 113-118
[19] Liang Baocui, Wang Xiaowen, Chang Xiaoying, Ji Yanmei, Hong Lei(2011). Estimation of Dioxin Emissions in Shaanxi Air Pollution Sources, Environmental Science And Management, 36(9) : 49-53
[20] Wang Xiaowen, Wang Boduo(1999). Study of Characteristics of UF Membranes for UF Treating Black Liquid from Basic Straw Pulp, Journal of Xi’an Mining Institute, 19(1) : 5-8
[21] Wang Xiaowen, Wang Boduo(2002). Effect of the specialized operation of EPF on environmental protection, Journal of Xi’an University of Science and Technology,22(2) : 151-153
[22] Zhang Wenjing, Wang Xiaowen, Chang Peng, Cheng Mingxiu(2007). Sewage resources and reasonable use of Teng zhou, Water Resources Research,28(1) : 33-35
[23] Yang Nan, Wang Xiaowen, Zhang Wenjing, The river water environment capacity of Luohe Yang Zhuang,Water Resources Protection,23(2) : 88-90
[24] Zhou Yuanli, Wang Xiaowen, Lai Xuehui, Xu Jiefeng(2011). Shaanxi Province assessment of the ecological environment and counter measures, Groundwater, 33(1) : 71-74
Wang Xiaowen(2002).《Water Pollution Control Engineering》(chief editor)Coal Industry Press(in Chinese),Beijing, China