ZHU Zhimei, associate professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University
Telephone: +86(29)88308417
E-mail: zhuzhimei@nwu.edu.cn
2004 PH.D. Ecology. Inner Mongolia University
2008.5 – 2009.2, Visiting Scholar, Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Salento, Italy
2004.6 - Present, Associate Professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, China
2001.9-2004.6, Ph.D candidate, College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University
• Environmental Biology
• Introduction of Ecological Protection
• Environmentology
• Principles of sustainable development
• Disturbance ecology and restoration ecology. Focused on the coupling mechanism and countermeasures of vegetation-soil system in view of the degradation and desertification of the grass land in Northern China
• Environmental biology and plant ecology. Combining with the theories and methods of ecology, biology and environmental science, concerning the ecological damage (desertification) and environmental pollution (heavy metal pollution) by human disturbance, to study the synergetic evolution mechanism between plants and environment using multiple disciplines.
1. Researches on the driving forces of land desertification and the stress resistant of the plants in Northern China areas. International cooperation program supported by national natural science foundation (30910103085),2010. 1-2010. 12, PI
2. Researches on the driving forces of land desertification and the stress resistant of the plants in Northern Shaanxi Province. Program supported by national natural science foundation (30700648),2008.1-2010.12, PI
3. Basic research of ecological construction at energy resources & chemical base in the north of Shaanxi Province-analysis of the evolution mechanism of desertification. Major project supported by natural science foundation of Shaanxi Province(2006Z05),2007.1-2009.12, PI
4. Driving forces of land desertification and the stress resistant of the plants in Aeolian grassland of the north of Shaanxi Province. Special scientific research program supported by the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province (08JK442),2008.1-2010.12, PI
5. Quantified assessment of desertification and ecological restoration of farming-pastoral zone of northern foot of the Yin Mountain. Scientific Foundation of Northwest University. (04NW60),2004.1-2006.12, PI
6. Mechanism of damaged ecological system restoration and reconstruction of southern boundary of Maowusu Desert. Scientific startup foundation of Northwest University(okyqdf14),2007.1-2008.12, PI
7. Spatial and temporal dynamics of rare plant bark pine. Program supported by national natural science foundation. (31170311),2012.1-2015.12
8. Simulation study of environmental effects and response of farmers to land use changes in ecological fragile regions. Program supported by national natural science foundation. (40601005),2007.1-2009.12
9. Evolution mechanism of the adaption of the social-ecological system to drought in half arid areas. Program supported by national natural science foundation. (30500077), 2006.1-2008.12
1. Zhu Zhimei, Yang Chi, Cao Mingming, Liu Kang. 2007,Analysis on the Soil Factor and Physiological Response of the Plants in the Process of Sandy Desertification on Grassland, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 27(1)
2. Zhu Zhimei, Yang Chi, Cao Mingming, Liu Kang. Changes of plant leaf area and its relationship with soil factors in the process of grassland desertification. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2010,29(12):2384-2389
3. Zhu Zhimei, Yang Chi, Cao Mingming, Liu Kang, Yang Lian’an. Analysis on the soil factor and physiological response of the plants in the process of sandy desertification on grass land. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2007,27(1)
4. Zhu Zhimei, Yang Chi, Cao Mingming, et al. Changes of soil physical and chemical properties in sandy desertification on the Duolun Prairie,Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2007,17(1)
5. Zhu Zhimei, Yang Chi. Researches on the stress resistant types of the plants during the grassland sandy desertification process, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2004, 24(6):1093-1100
6. Zhu Zhimei, Yang Chi. Changes of four common plant population growth and their anti-oxidative enzymatic system in desertification process, Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2004,15(12):2261-2266
7. Yang Chi, Zhu Zhimei. The study on stability and resilience in different stages of grassland desertification process, Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2003, 23(8): 2545-2549
8. Liu Yingru, Yang Chi, Zhu Zhimei. Soil C and N dynamics during desertification in Northern China, Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2004, 15(9):1604-1606
9. Zhu Zhimei, Yang Chi. Research summarizing of plant’s change and adaption in sandy desertification process, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Neimongol, 2003, 34(1):103-114
10. Zhu Zhimei, Song Bingyu. Physiological response of salt resistance to hydration-dehydration seed-treatment for wheat (Triticum aestivaum L.) Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Neimongol, 2003, 34(4):429-431
11. Zhu Zhimei et. al,subeditor,Zhao Halin et al.,chief editor. The adaption and stability mechanism of the plants during desertification Beijing:Ocen Press,2004,10
12. Zhu Zhimei, Hou Zhaohua, Liu Kang, Chen Danian. MCN effect of Hg2+ on the root cells of vicia faba,Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition),2008,38(1),96-98
13. Wang Chunjie, Zhu Zhimei, Zhang Renhui, Yang Meihuan. Relations of soil physicochemical properties and soil enzyme activities with plant C and N in Yulin area of north Shaanxi Province. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation. 2010,30(5):57-62
14. Yang Meihuan, Zhu Zhimei, Cao Mingming, Wang Chunjie, Xieyan. Study on the correlation of soil-vegetation in different desertification stages on the southeastern edge of Mu Us sandy land. Journal of Northwest A&F University(Natural Science Edition), 2010,38(5):181-187
15. Yang Meihuan, Cao Mingming, Zhu Zhimei, Qiu Haijun. Soil physical and chemical properties in the process of desertification on the southeastern edge of Mu Us sandy land. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation. 2010,30(2):169-172
16. Yang Meihuan, Cao Mingming, Zhu Zhimei. Research on the relationship between land-use change and socio-economic development in Shaanxi Province. Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences. 2011,39(16),10031-10033。
17. Zhu Zhimei,editor,Zhao Halin,chief editor. The biological process of desertification and the restoration mechanism of degraded vegetation. Beijing:Science Press,2007,10