Li Shuheng
School of Urban and Environmental Science, Northwest University, Xi’an, 710027, P. R. China
E-mail: shuhenglee@gmail.com; lish@nwu.edu.cn
2007/8-2008/5 Joint-training Ph D. student
School of Environmental Science, University of Waterloo, Canada
2002/9-2008/9 MSc-PhD. (major: physical geography)
School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, China
1998/9-2002/7 BSc. (major: Resources, environment and regional planning)
School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, China
2012- Northwest University, China, Associate professor
2008-2012 Northwest University, China, Lecturer
Teaching Courses
Physical Geography
Natural Resources Science
(1) Li Shuheng, Guo Wei, Mitchell Bruce. Evaluation of water quality and management of Hongze Lake and Gaoyou Lake along the Grand Canal in Eastern China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2011,176:373-384, DOI: 10.1007/s10661-010-1590-5 (SCI)
(2) Guo Wei, Li Shuheng, Mao Liang,Yin Yong, Zhu Dakui. The application of geographic information technology to coastal geomorphology. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2009, 28(5):49-57 (SCI)
(3) Guo Wei, Li Shuheng, Zhu Dakui. Modern geomorphological environment research during rapid urbanization in Shenzhen east coastal zone. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2011,21(2):372-384(SCI)
(4) Li Shuheng. The Grand Canal of China. Environmental Change and Challenge, 2009, 429-442
(5) Li Shuheng, Fu Guanghe, Guo Wei, He Huachun. Zhang Zhenke. Environmental changes during modern period from the record of Gaoyou Lake sediments, Jiangsu, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences,2007,17(1):62-72 (SCI)
(6) Guo Wei, Li Shuheng, Mao Liang, Yin Yong, Zhu Dakui. A Model for Environmental Impact Assessment of Land Reclamation. China Ocean Engineering, 2007, 21(2): 343-354. (SCI)
(7) Li Shuheng, Guo Wei. The function of the Grand Canal and the utilization of the North Jiangsu Section. Quaternary Research. 2007,27(5) :861-869 (in Chinese)
(8) Li Shuheng, Guo Wei, Shi Xiaodong, Zhu Dakui., 2006. Research on the characteristics and functions of Zhoushan Islands in Changjiang Delta. Economic Geography, 26(3): 422-426 (in Chinese)
(9) Li Shuheng, Guo Wei, Zhu Dakui, 2006. Current situation and prospects of tidal energy conversion. Marine Sciences, 30(12): 82-86 (in Chinese)
(10) Li Shuheng Zhou Yinkang, 2004. Discussion on the security assessment of water resources in arid areas in Northwest China—a case study in Yuli County, Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Arid Zone Research, 21(3): 230-234 (in Chinese)
(11) Zhang Zhenke, He Huachun, Tian Hhaitao, Li Shuheng, 2007. The discovery of Miocene Aeolian sediments and its paleoenvironmental significance in East China. Acta Sedmentologica Sincica ,25(1):116-122 (in Chinese)
(12) Zhang Zhenke, Tian Haitao, He Huachun, Li Shuheng, 2006. The grain size evidences of the Miocene Aeolian sediments and its paleoenvironmental significance in Lianyan Hill, Nanjing, East China. Marine Geology & Quaternary Geology, 26(6):111-116(in Chinese)
(13) Wang Ying, Zhang Zhenke, Zhu Dakui, Yang Jinghong, Mao Longjiang, Li Shuheng, 2006. River-sea interaction and the North Jiangsu Plain formation. Quaternary Sciences, 26 (3): 301-320 (in Chinese)
(14) Yang Jinghong, Wang Ying, Zhang Zhenke, Guilbault J.- P. Mao Longjiang, Wei Ling, Guo Wei, Li Shuheng, Xu Jun, Ji Xiaomei, 2006. Evolution in the past 2.58 Ma from the Baoying borehole sediments, North Jiangsu Plain, China. Quaternary Sciences, 26(3): 340-352 (in Chinese)
(15) He Huachun, Ding Haiyan, Zhang Zhenke, Shi Xiaodong, Li Shuheng, Mao Longjiang, 2005. Grain size characteristics and their environmental significance of Hongze Lake sediments. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 25(5): 590-596 (in Chinese)
(16) Guo Wei, Li Shuheng, 2004. Integrated coastal zone management research based on web GIS. Journal of Jiangxi Normal University, 28(3): 266-270 (in Chinese)
(17) He Huachun, Wang Ying, Li Shuheng, 2004. To trace flood water level along Nanjing cliff bank of the Changjiang River. Acta Geographica Sinica, 59(6): 938-947 (in Chinese)
Research Experience
1. 2010-2012
National Scientific Foundation Project presided by Li Shuheng——“The relationship between the environmental changes and human activities and the changes of the Grand Canal recorded by Gaoyou Lake sediments”
2. 2011/7-2011/8
Training program of “Applied Climate Change” hosted by the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough.
3. 2007/10-2007/12
Survey Project of Oak Ridge Moraine protected Area organized by University of Waterloo and Queen’s University in Canada
4. 2007/9-2007/10
Survey Project of The Grand River organized by University of Waterloo in Canada
5. 2005/7-2007/8
The Canada International Development Agency (CIDA). Project presided by Professor Wang Ying—“Coastal Ecosystem Protect and Planning in Tongguling National Park in east Hainan Island”
6. 2004/10-2007/8
“Digital South China Sea” project presided by Professor Wang Ying and Professor Zhu Dakui
7. 2003/6-2005/12
National Scientific Foundation Project presided by Professor Wang Ying —“River-Sea Interaction and North Jiangsu Plain Formation”
8. 2003/12
“Urban Planning of Yuhuan County in Zhejiang Province” presided by Professor Zhu Dakui
9. 2003/6
“Urban Planning of Zhoushan Islands” presided by Professor Zhu Dakui
10. 2002/2
“Water Resources Utilization Planning of Yuli County, Xinjiang Autonomous Region” presided by Professor Peng Buzhuo