Xie Yuanli, an associate professor and tutor for graduate at College of Urban and Environmental Science in Northwest University. Now he is the member of Committee on Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, the 10th council of Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography, executive member of Shaanxi Province Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry and Cartography. He graduated from Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping with the bachelor’s degree of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Later, he achieved the master degree at Wuhan University with the major of Geographic Information System. From 1992 to 2001, he worked at First Survey and Design Institute of Railways. From 2003 until now, he has been working at Northwest University. His research mainly focuses in the area of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, the Scale of Landscape Ecology. And he also teaches the courses like Digital Photogrammetry, Digital Image Processing for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. As early as 1995, he started to do application research on Digital Photogrammetry, 3S technology integration and intellectualization of railway survey and design, automatic aerial triangulation aided by airborne GPS. He presided in the following projects: Application and development of HELAVA Digital Photogrammetric System; Application of Digital Photogrammetry in railway; Computer graphic system for farmland graphs of railway subgrade; Application for Zhongyuan oilfield gathering and transportation pipeline management system based on GIS; Application for oil production plat in Shengli oilfield management system based on GIS; Design and 3D visualization of Moon-Globe plan; QuickBird remote sensing image mapping for the planning scheme area of Baoji; Study on dynamic monitoring system of soil erosion based on DEM(project of Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi province), etc. As one of the key research members, he participated in the study of coordinated development mechanism between major cities area in Northwest and PREE system (NSFC project), environmental remediation and landscape planning for south coast of Yanhe river in Dong Guan of Yan'an (Yan’an city entrust project). The following are the papers published in recent years:
² Xie Yuanli, Wu Lewen, Wang Wenjuan, Shen Wei. Research on the Method of Image Matching Based on Semi-Variance Function. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7841, n 1, 2010, Sixth International Symposium on Digital Earth: Data Processing and Applications.784106-1—784106-8 Proc. SPIE 7841, 784106 (2009)
² Xie Yuanli, Fan Xiwei, Han Tao, Duan Hanming. Surface temperature inversion and the urban heat island effect of Lanzhou based on TM. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2011( 09): 172-175
² Xie Yuanli, Wang Wenjuan, Zhang Su. Study on the Distribution of Rivers Resources in the Feng County based on SPOT-5. Ground Water, 2011(03): 131-132,149
² Xie Yuanli, Zhang Su, Wang Wenjuan, Fan Xiwei. Analysis on TM's based on Timing Change of Water Area of the Weihe River. Ground Water, 2011(02): 128-129,165
² Xie Yuanli, Zhang Wei, Wu Lewen, Zhang Su, Yu Shenyang, Xu Guangyan. A research on the grid size in constructing DEM with 1∶2000 topographical map. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition), 2008(03): 495-498
² Zhang Youshui, Xie Yuanli. Vegetation Water Content Estimation Using NDVI and LSWI from MODIS Images. Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2008(01):72-76
² Wang Wenjuan, Xie Yuanli. On multiple high-resolution remote sense image processing method: For example in QuickBird data of Baoji. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) Supplement , Jun. ,2011, Vol .38: 334-336
² Zhang Su,Xie Yuanli. The analysis for the impact of topographic factors on soil erosion in the Loess Plateau. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) Supplement , Jun. ,2010, Vol .40: 18-20
² Fan Xiwei, Xie Yuanli, Zhang Su, Li Zhijun, Wang Wenjuan. The ecological environment evaluation system based on the vegetation index: take the cities of Lanzhou and Xining for example. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) Supplement , Jun. ,2010, Vol .40: 31-33
² Yu Shenyang, Xie Yuanli, Xu Guangyan. The research and development in the thematic data deiting module based on the component ArcGIS Engine. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) Supplement , Jun. ,2008, Vol .38: 96-99
² Xu Guangyan, Xie Yuanli, Yu Shenyang. Design and implementation of GIS-based information system of collegical real estate management. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) Supplement , Jun. ,2008, Vol .38:144-146
² Yu Shenyang, Xie Yuanli, Xu Guangyan. The design and development of graphic coordinate data file based on C# and AutoCAD. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition)Online, Vol. 6,No.5
² Xie Yuanli、Zhang Wei、Wu Lewen. A research method on vegetation index change with multi-times remote sensing image. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) Supplement , Jun. ,2007, Vol .37: 211-213
² Zhang Wei, Xie Yuanli, Wu Lewen. Based on ArcObjects soil erosion model realization and application of USLE. Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition) Supplement , Jun. ,2007, Vol .37: 187-189
² Tang Guoan, Zhao Mudan, Li Tianwen, Liu Yongmei, Xie Yuanli. Modeling Slope Uncertainty Derived from DEMs in Loess Plateau. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003(06): 824-830
² Deng Shihu, Xie Yuanli, Yang Qingke, Wu Zhe. The Design and Development of the Thematic Data Editing Module on the Basis of Component MapObjects. Modern Surveying and Mapping, 2006(03): 13-16
² Wei Chunzhu, Xie Yuanli, Wei Wei. Optimization and implementation of land transport emergency evacuation model based on Dial shunt. Geomatics Technology and Equipment, 2009(04): 13-15
² Liu Hui, Duan Hanming, Xie Yuanli, Fan Xiwei. Study on the spatial pattern of urbanization-a case of Lanzhou-Xining area. Economic Geography, 2009(12): 1995-2000
² Liu Hui, Duan Hanming, Fan Xiwei, Xie Yuanli. The Research on the Evolution of Spatial Form of Xining City. Areal Research and Development, 2009(05): 56-61
² Fan Xiwei, Xie Yuanli, Li Zhijun, Zhang Su, Wang Wenjuan. Monitoring of Surface Water Resources Movement in Lanzhou and Xining Area Based on RS. Ground Water, 2010(05): 105-107
² Liu Hui, Duan Hanming, Xie Yuanli, Fan Xiwei. Study on evolution of Spatial pattern of the population and carrying capacity of resources. Shandong Economy, 2010(05): 132-138