1. Personal Information
Name Yongmei Liu
Current Position Associate Professor
College College of Urban and Environmental Science, Northwest University
Address North Campus of Northwest University, Changan District, Xi’an, Shannxi Province, China
Phone +86+29 88308412
E-mail liuym@nwu.edu.cn
Educational background
PhD Soil science, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, CAS & MWR, Yangling, China, 2006
MS Cartography and Remote Sensing, Department of Urban and Resource Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, China, 1995
BS Physical Geography, Department of Geography, Northwest University, Xi’an, China, 1992
Professional experiences
1995 –Present: Associate Professor, College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Northwest University, Xi’an, China,
[1] Liu Yongmei, Li Jingzhong, Wen Zhongming. Remote sensing of structural vegetation cover for regional soil erosion evaluation. Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Combating Land Degradation in Agricultural Areas. Springer, 2010:927-931.
[2] Liu Yongmei, TANG Guoan, LI Tianwen, YANG Qinke. An applied research on remote sensing classification in the Loess Plateau, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2003, 13(4): 395-399.
[3] Liu Yongmei, Li Jingzhong, Xia Lu. The dynamic vegetation cover change in Loess Plateau, Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2011, 41(6): 1054-1058.
[4] Liu Yongmei, Li Jingzhong. Structural line feature extracting of historical tomb sites based on multi-source remote sensing data: A case study on Wuling Hills of WestHan Dynasty. Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 2010, 40(6): 1079-1082.
[6] Liu Yongmei, Wang Chao, Yu Dong. Cloud and Snow Detecting and Removing in SPOT VEGETATION Images. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2010, 30(2):236-238.
[7] Liu Yongmei, Li Rui, Yang Qinke. Remote Sensing Classification of Land Use Based on Image Fusion in the Loess Hilly Region of Northern Shaanxi Province. Science of Soil and Water Conservation. 2004, 2(4):6-10.
[8] Liu Yongmei, YANG Qinke, WANG Lue. Basic Methodology of Soil and Water Conservation Monitoring. Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 2008, 15(5):221-225.
[9] Li Jingzhong, Liu Yongmei. Extraction of Structural Line Features of Tomb Sites Based on Remote Sensing Data:A Case Study in Wuling Hills of the Western Han Dynasty,Shaanxi Province. Journal of Geo-Information Science, 2010, 12(6): 886-891.
[10] Li Jingzhong; Liu Yongmei. Application Potential and Accuracy Evaluation of CBERS-02B HR and CCD Image Fusion. Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 2009:160-164.
[11] Yang Qinke; Li Rui; Liu Yongmei. Discussions on methods of national regional soil erosion survey. Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2008, 6(3):1-6.
[12] Tang Guoan, Liu Yongmei. The Impact of Resolution on the Accuracy of Hydrological Data Derived from DEMs, Proceedings of the 20th International Cartographic Conference, 2001.10.
[13] Yang Qinke, Zhao Mudan, Liu Yongmei, Wang Lei, Li Rui. Application of DEMs in Regional Soil Erosion Modeling. Geomatics World, 2009, 7(1):25-31.
[14] Tang Guoan, Zhao Mudan, Li Tianwen, Liu Yongmei, Zhang Ting. Simulation on slope uncertainty derived from DEMs at different resolution levels: a case study in the Loess Plateau. Journal of Geographical Science, 2003, 13(4):387-394.
[15] Tang Guoan, Zhao Mudan, LI Tianwen, Liu Yongmei, Xie Yuanli. Modeling Slope Uncertainty Derived from DEMs in Loess Plateau. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2003, 58(6):824-830.
Tang Guoan, Zhang Youshun, Liu Yongmei, Xie Yuanli, Yang Xin, Liu Aili. Digital Image Processing. Science Press, 2004.
Tang Guoan, Chen Zhengjiang, Zhao Mudan, Liu Wanqing, Liu Yongmei. Spatial Analysis Technology of ArcView GIS. Science Press, 2002.
Liu Wanqing, Liu Yongme, Yuan Kansheng. Digital thematic cartography. Science Press, 2007.
1. Structural vegetation cover model based on Remote Sensing for soil erosion evaluation. Funding from National Science Foundation of China, 2012-2015.
2. Vegetation factor of regional soil loss. Sub-task of the National Basic Research Program of China, Funding from Ministry of Science and Technology, PR China, 2007-2011(PI: Li Rui, Co- PI: Yongmei Liu).
3. Extraction of historical tomb sites based on multi-source remote sensing data. Funding from Cultural Heritage Science and Technology Foundation of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, 2008-2010.
4. Soil erosion evaluation based on RS & GIS in the Weihe River. Open foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on Loess Plateau, 2008-2009.
5. Vegetation factor of soil loss in China. Sub-task of Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2006(PI: Li Rui, Co- PI: Yongmei Liu).