Associate Professor
Department Chair of Land Resources and Regional Planning,
Faculty of Urban and Environment Science,
Northwest University,
Xi’an, Shaanxi ,P.R.China,
Address: No.229 Taibai Road,Binlin District,
Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, 710127
P.R. China
Tel: 029-88308415 (O)
Email : xayhj@126.com
2004 PhD Agricultural Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics and Northwest A&F University, China anagement,
Dissertation: “A Study on Evaluation of Land Price in Small Towns Based on Digital Land Price Model” directed by Professor Chen Zongxing
1991 M.A. Land Planning, Department of Agricultural Economics, Northwest Agricultural University
1988 B.A Agricultural Economics and Management, Department of Agricultural Economics, Northwest Agricultural University
2009- present, Department Chair of Land Resources and Regional Planning of Faculty of Urban and Environment Science of Northwest University
March 6, 2011-Feb 29, 2012,A visiting scholar at the School of Planning, Faculty of Environment, University of Waterloo
1995-2009 Associate Professor, Dept. of Urban and Resource science, Northwestern University(named as Dean of Regional Economic Group in 2006)
1991-1994 Accountantship in Xi’an Daily Commodity Company
Undergraduate student:
Urban Land Economics
Engineering Economics
Real Estate Apprisal ___Method and Theory
Real Estate Development and Apprisal___Case Based Teaching
Postgraduate student:
Urban Economics
Real Estate Development and Apprisal
Real Estate Appraisal,Land Planning,Agricultural and Resource Economics
Registered Qualification Certificate Real Estate Appraiser of People’s Republic of China
Land Valuation Certification of People’s Republic of China
Research Projects on Land Planning and Management(Selected)
1. Land Use Planning General of Yulin Ctity Shaanxi Shanxi Province, financed by the Bureau of Land and Resources of Yulin Ctity, 2010 (Ongoing Research)
2. Land Use Planning General of Shangluo Ctity Shaanxi Shanxi Province,granted by the Bureau of Land and Resources of Y Shangluo Ctity, 2009-2010(Ongoing Research)
3. Land Use Planning General of Chengcheng County Shaanxi Province, financed by Local government, 2009-2011 (Ongoing Research)
4. Land Use Planning General of Qianyang County Shaanxi Province, financed by Local government, 2009-2011 (Ongoing Research)
5. Land Use Planning General of Yintai District Shaanxi Province, financed by Local government, 2009-2011 (Ongoing Research)
6. Pre-study for General Land Use Planning in Shangluo City Shaanxi Province, financed by the Bureau of Land and Resources of Shangluo City, 2009-2010 (Ongoing Research)
“The Summative Evaluation on the Performance of Pre-land-use-plan (1997-2010)”
“The Strategy of Land Use in the coming 15 years”
“Balance between Rural and Urban Land Use”
“Arable Land, especially Prime Cultivated Land Protection”
“Economic and Intensive Use of Constructive Land”
“Land Use Manners and their Effluence on the Ecology Environment”
“Policies on the Implementation of Land Use Planning”
7.Pre-study for General Land Use Planning in Tongchan City Shaanxi Province, financed by the Bureau of Land and Resources of Tongchan City Shaanxi Province, 2008-2009
“The Rational Use of Urban Land in Polycentric Cities”
“Rational Use of Rural and Urban land”
“Mineral Land Use and its Effluence on the Ecology Environment”
8.Allocation of the Quantity of Constructive Land Use Plan from the Province to 107 Counties in Shaanxi Province,granted from the Department of Land and Resources of Shaanxi Province, 2008-2009
9.Pre-study for General Land Use Planning in Xianyang City Shaanxi Province,granted from Bureau of Land and Resources of Xianyang Shaanxi Province ,City 2007
“Economic and Intensive Land Use in Xianyang City Shanxi Province”
“The Effluence of Land Use on Ecology Environment”(Joint with Mingming Cao)
“The Protection of Prime Cultivated Land”(Joint with Kewei Liu)
10.The History of Land Management of Shaaxi Province, grant from the Shaanxi Real Estate
Appraiser’s Association,2006-2009
11. The Study on the Conversion Coefficient between Different Grade of Arable Land in Shaanxi Province, financed by the Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C, 2005-2006
12.The Transaction Forms of Collective Ownership Construction Lands, grant from the Shaanxi land Association,2004-2005
Research Projects on Land Price Appraisal(Selected)
1.An Evaluation of Average Land Price Based on the Quality Classification of Urban Land of State Ownership in Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Demonstration Zone, financed by local government,2008
2.A Study on the Pricing of the Building Lands of Collective Ownership, grant from the Shaanxi Real Estate Valuers Association,2006-2007
3.The Evaluation of Price on Farmland being Changed to Constructive Land Use in the Different Areas of Shaanxi Province, project from the Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C, 2005-2006
4. The study of Urban Land Price System(including the classification of urban land grade in different lower cities and towns, evaluation of average urban land price based on the classification of urban land, calculation on urban-land-price-index) for the Management of Local Government which including Baoji (2003), Yangling (2003,1999),Lintong(2002),Lantian(2002), Chengcheng(2002),etc, Shanxi Province, financed by local land management government respectively
5.The Glassification of Urban Land in the Centre Area of Wulumuqi City in Xijiang Uygur Autonomous Region, project from the Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C,2001
6.The Evaluation of Average Urban Land Price of the Centre Area of Xi’an City, project from the Ministry of Land and Resources P.R.C, 2000
7.The Evaluation of Urban Land Price in Baotong City in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, financed by local government,1997,
Research on Regional Science and Environment Economics(Selected)
1. Li Tongsheng,Haijuan Yang,The Spatial Diffusion and the Geographical model of Technical Innovation in Agricultural Technology Park (No.0871068),grant from the National Social Sciences Fund,2009-2011
2. Yang Haijuan,Keiwei Liu,The feasibility of Establishing National Sustainable Development Experimental Zone in South Shaanxi,grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology Fund, P.R.C,2008-2009
3. Li Tongsheng,Haijuan Yang,The Spatial Diffusion Mechanism and model of Technical Innovation in Agricultural Technology Park(No.0871068),grant from the National Social Sciences Fund,2005-2007
4. Wang Hui,Mingming Cao,Mudan Zhao,Haijuan Yang,“ Restructure of metropolitan space Under the Development Zone”(40271046)_A case study of Xian city,grant from the National Social Sciences Fund,2003-2006
5. Liu Keiwei,Haijuan Yang, “Policies for helping farmers become rich in three Economics Zones(the Eastern, Middle and Western Regions)of China”, a basic study of “National Eleventh Five-Year Spark Plan” grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology Fund, P.R.C,2005
6. Zhou Deyi, Haijuan Yang,The Study of Industrialization Moderns of Distance Teaching ,supported by the Department of Education of Shaanxi Province,2002-2004
7. Wang Hui, Mingming Cao,Haijuan Yang, Mudan Zhao,The Effects On Progress of Development Zones to Urban Spatial Structure " (0102002), financed by “Eleventh Five-Year Plan”Research Projects of Ministry of Education, P.R.C,2002-2003 "
8. Yin Huaiting,Haijuan Yang, Performance Appraisal of water and soil conservation in Loess Plateau of China, grant from the National Social Sciences Fund,1999-2001
9. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,The Confined of the Rights of Environmental Resources and Sustainable Development, grant from the National Social Sciences Fund,P.R.C,1998-2000
10. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,The Study on Policies for Promoting High Yield-High Quality-High Efficiency Agriculture in Shaanxi Province,financed by Shaanxi Social Sciences Fund,1996-1997
Journal Articles on Land Economics
1. Yang Haijuan,Analysis on the Spatial Structure of Commercial Land Price in Small Town based on the best Interpolation Function——A Case Study on Lantian County Xi'an City, Human Geography, 25(1),81-84, 2010
2. Yang Haijuan,A Case Study on the Land Quality Classification among Small Towns in Lintong District Xi’an city, Journal of Northwest University(Natural Science Edition),146(5), 591-598,2003
3. Yang Haijuan,Land Price Appraisal in the Centre Area of Xi’an City, Urban and Regional Studies—Theories and Applications. Shaanxi People’s Press,66-72, 2002
4. Yang Haijuan, Shaoyan Fan, Deyi Zhou,The Shadow Price Method and Its Use in Agricultural Land Pricing___A Case Study in Yangling Agricultural Hi-Tech Demonstration Zone,Urban and Regional Studies—Theories and Applications,Shaanxi People’s Press,66-72, 2002
5. Yang Haijuan, Deyi Zhou,State-owned Land and its Personal use Institution in the Market Economy in China, Research on Agricultural Economic Theory 1, 21-22,1994
Journal Articles on Agricultural and Resource Economics
1. Lei Min,Mingming Cao, Haijuan Yang, EU Energy Policy and Its Implications to the Development of Northwest China, Science & Technology, 25(5),30-33,2007
2. Yang Haijuan, Deyi Zhou,The Game Between Central Government, Local Governments and Farmers in Management of Loess Plateau,Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 22(3),35-38,2002
3. Yang Haijuan, Deyi Zhou,The Analysis of Principal-agent Relationship on the process of soil and water conservation in Loess Plateau, Bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation, 21(5),72-75,2001
4. Yang Haijuan, Huaiting Yin,Xingchang Liu Behavior of Peasant Households on Soil and Water Conservation in Gully Area of Loess Plateau,bulletin of Soil and Water Conservation 21(4), 75-78,2001
5. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,A Design of Urban Agricultural Development in the Protected Area of Chang’an Site of Han Dynasty,Journal of Northwest University (Natural Science Edition), 32(1), 105-109,2002
6. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,Analysis on Demand and Supply of Chinese Urban Agriculture, China,Population, Resources and Environment, 52(11), 40-42,2001
7. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,Theory and practice of urban agriculture, China Rural Survey, 58-65, 1997(4)
8. Yang Haijuan,Deyi Zhou, Approaches to Develop Corn Straw Resources in Guanzhong Area of Shaanxi Province , Ecological Economic, 3,31-36,1996
9. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,A Study on Urban Agriculture Development Mechanism, Research of Agricultural Modernization, 65-68 2002(1)
10. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,Grain bank: an organizational innovation in China’s grain marketing system,Chinese Rural Economy, 145(1), 33-37, 61,1997
11. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang,Production of Organic Food: An suitable way for The Agricultural Development in Mountain Areas,Ecological Economics 3,33-35. 1994
12. Zhou Deyi,Haijuan Yang, Sociobiological Hypothesis of Human Behavior and Rebuilding of Eco-economics ,Economist,2,70-74,2002
13. Duan Hanming, HaijuanYang,Chuanbin Li,The Sustainable Development Countermeasure of Dominant Industry in Middle and Small Coal City, Economic Geography 2000(7)
14. Zhou Deyi,Haijun Yang,A Study on Social Capital State of Shaanxi Province and Its Influence upon Economic Growth,China Soft Science, 2002
15. Zhou Deyi,Haijun Yang, The Predicament of Rice Production and its Extrication Strategies Journal of Agro-technical Economics 1993(4)
Books, Monographs
1. Yang Haijun, Qifan Zhang,Annals of Land Management in Shaanxi Province (prehistory-2000), Shaanxi People Press,2010
2. Yang Haijun, A Study on Evaluation of Land Price in Small Towns Based on Digital Land Price Mode, it will be published by Shaanxi People Press 2010.
3. Yang Haijun,Regional Analysis and Regional Planning(The Second Edition),The Eleventh Five-years Planning materials of General Higher Education,(Edited with Gonghao Cui,Qingquan Wei and Kewei Liu),High Education Press,2006,(ISBN7-04-018977-1, Chapter 3,5-7,80pp edited by myself)
4. Yang Haijun,Deyi Zhou,The Study on Policies for Promoting High Yield-High Quality-High Efficiency Agriculture in China,Xi’an Geographical Press, October,2002, (ISBN7-80670-252-O/S•14, 170pp wrote by myself)
5. Zhou Deyi,Haijun Yang, The Industrial Model of Modern Distance Education and A Study of the Policies of Developing Long-Distance Education in shaanxi Province,Shaanxi People Press,2003, (ISBN 7-224-06445-9/G•1121, 130 wrote by myself)
1.Shaanxi Land Association Dissertation Award, The Third Place, 2007,” Intensive Use of Land in Xianyang city Shaanxi Province”
2.Philosophy and Social Science Prize of Xi’an city, The Third-class Prize, The first winner.2007
“Application of Digital Land Price Model on the Evaluation of Urban Land Average Price in Xian City”.
3.Philosophy and Social Science Prize of Shaanxi Province,2004,Third-class Prize, The first winner,”The Study on Policies for Promoting High Yield-High Quality-High Efficiency Agriculture in Shaanxi Province”
4.The Technological Prize of Shaanxi Province, The Second Prize, The sixth winners, “The Construction Research of The Spark industry belt in Guanzhong Shaanxi Province”
5. Distinguished Teacher Award of Northwest University,2003,2007,2008